

Monday, December 27, 2010

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Being Single This time of Year – A joyful State or A State of Loneliness?

Tonight at 11 pm est – 8 pm pst on BKS1 Radios Live In The Vocal Booth show on we discuss the holiday season and social gatherings. The Holidays are filled with parties and family gatherings. It’s a time where people are embracing one another giving gifts and just enjoying the fest ivies of the season. How does being single affect a person this time of year? Do you embrace your singleness or is it a source of sadness? How do you find contentment in being single when you really desire a mate? How do you deal with being single when all your friends seem to me mated up?

According to New York Times writer Sam Roberts in a 2007 article “51% of Women Are Now Living Without A Spouse” he states Seventy percent of African American women and fifty-one percent of Hispanic women are currently unmarried. Forty-five percent of white women (non-Hispanic) and forty percent of Asian women are unmarried. The percentage of unmarried black women is considerably higher. What are the circumstances that cause such a shift in the numbers? These numbers represent a large part of the population. Is being single the new trend?

Whether married or single how do you create the life you want? How will you attract the life and the people you want in your life? The Live in the Vocal Booth has the secret and you don’t want t to miss this show.

Special Guest: Jeff Redd

Join the team: Storm Norm “The General”, Trish aka Superwoman, Chill “Mr Keep Real”, and Smoov P “Ladies Love” for another Hot episode of the Live In The Vocal Booth Show on

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tax evasion, Wesley Snipes and Charlie Wilson on BKS1 Radio

Join us tonight @ 10 pm est - 7 pm pst on for the Live In The Vocal Booth Show. At 10 pm the team along with the listener rates and reviews Charlie Wilson’s new release Just Charlie. image
Then at 11 pm we go into our hot topic for the night. Tonight’s Topic: Tax Evasion and Wesley Snipes does the Time Fit The Crime?

Lady Justice carries the scales representing truth and fairness. The blindfold represents impartiality meaning that your position in life will not bring you favor. In the case of Wesley Snipes and his conviction of tax evasion the scales of justice seem to be weighted down by his celebrity. Many have raised the question in Wesley Snipes case of whether the time fits the crime.

Tax evasion has been practiced for many years and was a part of the old boys club. Tax Evasion became a legal tool to take down the heads of Organized Crime, but there is an element in our society that it never seems to touch. Is Wesley Snipes crime being to rich and not smart enough to hide his money like the good ole boys? What do you think about the sentence and does the time fit the crime.

Live In The Vocal Booth
Don’t Miss This weeks CD Review AT 10PM ET. TONIGHT THE BKS1 TEAM & YOU THE LISTENER BE THE JUDGE. TOGETHER WE REVIEW & RATE ON A SCALE FROM 1 to 5 Charlie Wilson New Release Just Charlie.

Special Guest: Author of Hidden Tears at Lake Cascade Tonya McKinley
Special Guest: Writer, actress & radio DJ, Raqiyah Mays

CALL IN & BE HEARD646-929-1530

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Gender Roles in Society Today

Sun. December 5, 2010 - 10PM ET. 8PM PT
Tonight’s Topic: Has the Change in Gender Roles Hurt the Family and the Workplace?

Join us "Live In The Vocal Booth with The BKS1 Radio Team; Storm Norm “The General”, Trish aka "Super Woman ",Chill Mr. Keep It Real, Smoov P, Pretty Ricky Fontaine &Jeff aka Short Fuse

After 50 years of women moving into the workplace and men sharing in the at home responsibilities the roles traditionally held by men and women have drastically changed.

Women have evolved in almost every aspect of the work place from joining the arm forces to rising up the corporate ladder. Has this evolution been a positive one or has it broken the fiber of the family? This upward movement that has equipped women with competitive salaries and education be blamed for the crisis we see in youth violence and teenage pregnancy?

What about men that have taken on the role of Mr. Mom because mom can pull in more money and Dad stays home to rear the children. We want to know what you think about the gender switch and if it has made life better or worse. Let your voice be heard “Live in the Vocal Booth”.

Special thanks to Platinum Listener and Chat room rebel Mollie for this great topic.
“Live In The Vocal Booth”"

"Don’t Miss This weeks CD Review AT 10PM ET. TONIGHT THE BKS1 TEAM & YOU THE LISTENER BE THE JUDGE. TOGETHER WE REVIEW & RATE ON A SCALE FROM 1 to 5 Jazmine Sullivan's New Release “Love Me Back”

Watch Us Now Live On WWW.BKS1RADIO.COM
CALL IN & BE HEARD 646-929-1530 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              646-929-1530      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Unemployment, Foreclosures, and Poverty are rampant today

Tonight on @ 11 pm est - 8 pm pst Bks1 Radios Live In The Cipher team discusses the state of the economy.

“Tis the season to be Jolly”, but how to you find the joy when your circumstances are uncertain.  The unemployment rate is through the roof and the foreclosures on home still rampant.  What is in place for the average Joe, the everyday man and woman that want to give a good days work for a good days pay, but the jobs just are not there.  The rate in which families are losing their homes is unconscionable and   Those in power have presented great ideas, but have they trickled down to those that need it most? America has such extremes from the very rich to the very poor, but those in the middle the working class seem to be suffering at alarming rates without assistance that really works.  What do you do if you fall behind in your mortgage?  What can you do if your home is about to be auctioned?  What help is out there if you have lost your job?  Tonight we will talk about the state of the economic condition of the US and the resources that may help those that need it most at this time.  Tis the season now let’s find help for those who need it “Live In The Vocal Booth”

Call in 646-929-1530 or chat in our shout box! Let us know how you feel about the state of the economy. BKS1 Radio join the movement!!