

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blogger who first broke story about Gloria James and Delonte West Defends his report

Terez Owens, blogger who first broke the story about Delonte West and Gloria James, defended himself to(audio) 98.5 The Sporsthub (read) Sports Radio Interviews in Boston. The rumor has been running rampant around the net.People are blaming Clevelands early exit on this, but I think they just got out played and regardless if Lebron found out prior to game 4 or not Boston would have still won the series. This story has taken hold and overshadowed the NBA playoffs that are still being played. But thats neither here nor there at the moment.

Back to the rumored story, allegedly Delonte West and Gloria James have been getting it in for a while now. All this taking place behind Lebrons back. According to multiple sources many people knew about the alleged relationship.

Even though a lawyer for the James denied the reports. There is an old adage "where there is smoke there is fire". I believe something happened, probably not as everything is being reported, but something shady went on in my personal opinion. Basketball Hall of Famer Calvin Murphy called the claim "absolutely true" and "absolutely horrifying."

Check out the chronological order of events as reported by Deadspin

Tell me what you think. If this is true, Who is more to blame?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Best Empire State of Mind Parody - Newark State of Mind - Jay-Z Alic...

What are your thoughts on this? A lot of people are pretty upset about it, but the truth hurts sometimes and this is America. We do have freedom of speech. Do you think people have the right to be upset or should they take a look at how the city comes off and how people of different races are viewing the city? Newark has come a long way, but just like many cities across the country there is still a long way to go. Mayor Booker has done a great job in my opinion with what he took over and made great strides to improve the city.

I think it goes a little hard on the city and residents of Newark, but it is the feelings of many people that I have talked to Black, White, and Hispanic. So this view is not just segregated to one race of people, but shared by people across all cultures.

Sometimes we have to be able to laugh at ourselves and respect peoples rights to their own opinions. Violence and ignorance wont solve anything and will just lead to the continued view of an area that may or may not deserve such harsh criticism.

American Cancer Relay for life event (Click title 2 see video)

Click on title to see a video to ask for your support in my efforts to help repair the circle that cancer breaks through this year's Relay For Life.

Believe it or not, you are actually featured in the video - but you'll have to watch it to see how!

With your help, we can repair the circle and continue to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. I hope you enjoy the video and will join my circle of supporters by making a donation today!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Story of Bottled Water (2010)

This should make you think twice about purchasing bottled water. Do your research people and lets not be lead around like sheep, believing everything that is told to us at face value.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What's wrong with people? It is really time to grow up

The people in this video should be ashamed of themselves for show how ignorant and inhumane they really are. With the advent of camera phones and small hand held camcorders we have created a million Spielberg's running around the hood now. This can come in handy when the camera is used for productive and helpful purposes, but in this case people stood around filmed and laughed as two young woman went at it in the street. Clothes hanging of and body parts exposed for the world to see smh! At what point does someones conscious and heart kick in and say damn I need to step in and break this up. Stop these two ladies from embarrassing themselves in front of everyone on the street and with the use of video options on cell phones now to a greater magnitude of people around the world. I know there are some saying these are two adults who chose under their own will to fight and knew the possible outcome was to be exposed. To those people I say, in the heat of the moment it is hard to think clearly and rationally. That is why we all need a voice of reason in times like those, and we all do have them every now and then. That voice of reason is the one that steps in between them and stops the madness, which finally happened at the end of the clip. As you see it was a woman that stepped in and put a cease to it. The men all stood around laughing and gawking. Dudes always like to see a chick fight, looking for the possibility that someone will have a wardrobe malfunction. I wonder if any of the guys would have stood around and laughed it that was their sister out there fighting like that with body parts out?

We really need to start looking at each other as brothers and sisters. If we don't show the proper respect to ourselves and each other. Then how can we truly expect anyone to respect us in the way we deserve to be respected. Things like this justify peoples views of us as animals, disrespectful, and ignorant.

Lets wake up people and respect ourselves and each other. Learn to handle things in a more mature and socially conscious way. We all will have slips and make some bad decisions, but overall we have to start to make better strides for improvement as a people, community and culture. The examples we set for the youth will go along way into shaping how our communities and people are viewed in the future. Sometimes making the right choice isn't necessarily for the now result, but for the future results. Each one teach one and it takes a village to raise a child are two sayings that come to mind. Get back to the times of our parents parents and the strong sense of pride in ourselves, that has been slowly chipped away by outside influences. Some we can control and others we have no control over. Take control over the influences that you can to make a positive difference.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Celebration

Tonight’s Topic: Mothers Day a Day of Celebration or a Day of The Blues?

Join us "Live in the Vocal Booth" With The BKS1 Radio Team; Storm Norm “The General”, Trish aka "Super Woman", Chill Mr. Keep It Real, Ladies Luv Smoov P, "That Gyrl Miz Cheeks”

Mothers Day can be a joyous time of celebration for many and for some a sad day. Mothers Day is a great time to stop and express how much you appreciate all that your mother has done for you and the special love that comes from a mother to her child, but what about the people that no longer have their mother here in the physical or have had a difficult relationship with their mother. How do you cope with losing your mom especially on a day that honors mothers? Tonight “Live In The Vocal Booth” we will share are experiences with our mothers and we invite you to call in and share your experience. Whether your mother is living or passed on share with us your special memory and even your sorrow. "Live In The Vocal Booth"

Special Guest: Our Special guest tonight will be H.E.R. Day's President and Founder, Alexis Nelson. “Live In The Vocal Booth”


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"A Division Of Best Kept Secrets Entertainment"
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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sex for Money - Do you or Don't you?

There is always this debate back n forth about payment for sex and will you or won't you? I say that to say this we all in one way or another pay for sex and every woman takes some sort of payment for sex directly or indirectly. So I believe we as a people need to stop judgmental when we view others and their preferences to take money for sex.

When you really break it down we all pay either in money, gifts or time for sex. In my opinion time is more valuable than money, since you can't make time back. I know the skeptics will say I don't take money or gifts directly from my partner for sex, but seriously think about it. You do take a payment for sex, married couples too. If a dude wanted to get at you, but never took you out or spent anytime with you then you would never ever give him any parts of the pussy. If you husband or boyfriend, didn't take you out, get you anniversary gifts, birthday gifts or anything, I highly doubt the sex would be jumping off either.

If a dude was interested and you found him to be of your liking as well if he w as bringing you gifts, flowers and taking you out. You will feel like you had to give him some or it wouldn't be right. So don't knock someone who cuts through all the other preliminaries and gets right to the business. The personal choice really has no baring on your life, unless its your money that is being used to during the act.

Really whats the difference between a woman who fucks for money and a woman who fucks the same number of guys for free? Same sexual activity and history. Now I am not talking about a street walker who will have sexual activity with anybody who has the money. There are woman who are very select in the men they choose to be with. I personally don't see a difference in two women with the same sexual history, where one takes money for sex and the other doesn't. There is no difference to me at all.

As long as both parties are in agreement that it is what it is, then there should be no issue. It will eliminate a lot of the excess drama of relationships and feelings being caught if two mature adults go into the relationship knowing what to expect and what is necessary to keep it going.

Lastly for all the dudes who say I will never pay for sex, stop lying cause you already have in one form or another. Through time, gifts, rent payment, bill payment or whatever. You have payed for sex may be not directly, but definitely indirectly for sure. But keep telling yourself whatever you need to, to make yourself feel a certain way or to make the public only see you in a certain light. Everybody has done it or will end up doing it for sure, that's the only thing besides death and taxes that's guaranteed in life.

These are just my thoughts....What do you think? Let me know

Brandy and Ray J's half brother Danyelle Brown aka C-Dove

Tonight on on the Live in the Vocal Booth Show we have aspiring rapper Danyelle Brown aka C-Dove, Brandy and Ray J's half brother, @ 11 pm est. Tune in to find out what he has to say about being related to Brandy and Ray J , but not getting acknowledged by their father. Also, we will be featuring a song or two off his upcoming cd for your listening pleasure. Should fit in right along with our topic: Secrets Exposed: How well do you know your Family and Friends?

Tune in, Call in 646-929-1530 or chat in our shout box. Ask C-Dove the questions you want the answers to. Let us know your family or friendship secrets, Want to confess a secret you may be keeping or expose a secret that you found out. Now is the time and the forum for it. Don't be scared or shy, we don't have to know who you are and it will feel so much better for you to get the "monkey" off your back.

We also have musical group 120, featured on 106 and Park, as guests tonight as well. So tune in and hear the wonderful sounds of this amazing group and get the low down on their upcoming projects and work they currently have going on. Going to be a great show. Join the movement