

Monday, April 19, 2010

You be You and let Me be Me

It seems as though we as a people are always worried about what the next man or woman is doing with their lives. All this does is breed jealousy, envy and hatred. If you have seen the move Seven then you know where those emotions can lead. Take a long look at yourself and where you are in respect to where you want to be. May be the one thing holding you back the most from attaining whatever you desire is looking right back at you in the mirror every morning. This may be a harsh reality for some, but if your honest with yourself and don’t want to lead yourself astray then you will give yourself a brutal self evaluation. I look in the mirror and what I see is a man trying to do the best he can, but has faults that need to be addressed. I am going to open up and let you know what I think I need to work on to be a better man/person/contributor to society.

One of my major faults is I am very quick to judge someone and get my mind set in a way that it’s hard to change my opinions. This has lead to plenty of hard feelings between me and other people for no valid reasoning beyond my own rushed assessment of them. This may be the hardest of them all for me to correct, because I have to learn that we are not all the same and not all on the same mental/emotional/spiritual level. I have to realize that just because I see things one way and portray someone’s actions as wrong, they in turn may not consider what they are doing as wrong or bothering me. I think this stems from my belief that everyone has common sense and should know how to do the simplest tasks. But in reality what may be simple to me may be extremely difficult to another. This works the other way too, what I may see as extremely difficult may be an easy task to someone else. I have to learn to accept that I have limitations as well as every other person walking this earth. Not judge a person by his/her limitations, but help them work through them to make them a better person. In return I would hope they would return the same actions towards me. If I can do that I think it will make me a better man and person.

Now I have stepped out on the limb to reveal one of my major faults. Can you do the same? It really helps to see who you really are when you put things down in writing and have them staring back at you. This process works in setting personal goals, they say write them down and put them were you can see. This will help the dream become reality. So write down your faults and what you think you need to work on and work towards crossing them off the list one by one. This may be a lifelong process and you may never completely whip your list clean but with each deletion you will be one step towards being the man or woman that you want to be in life.

Do this open and freely and don’t worry about what other people have to say about you. You be you and let them be them, hence the variation from my title. There are times when we have to be concerned with each other and there are times when we need to focus on ourselves. For this to work you have to really and truly be brutally honest with yourself and not lie to yourself. After this initial self evaluation its ok to get someone else’s take on your conclusions. Run the list by someone close to you and get their views on it. Tweak it if needed and then you are on your way to becoming a better person, to yourself and the people around you…..The_Ghost_BKS1

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